Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good news!

Today's good news: Our apartment got rented!!! Yay!!! That means no more paying rent + mortgage each month!!! Whew. Praise God.

More good news: I didn't run screaming from the building after my first day in my new job! As most of you know, I recently accepted a new position. Same company, new department. A "strategic career move" is what I call it. Moving from the writing/research dissemination group to the marketing/philanthropic department. After just one day, I already feel at home. No more commas and hyphens and citations... instead I'm hearing words like "branding" and "celebrity engagement" - words I'm welcoming like a deep breath of fresh air.

Extra good news: The orange chicken at The Cheesecake Factory is DE-lish. Yum. (Yep, they took me out to lunch today, wasn't that sweet of them?) ...and we got dessert. See? They already know the way to my heart! :) It's always been through the sweets - ask anyone who has known me for half-a-second. They'll tell you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you guys are out from under that rent! Again, congratulations on your new job! As for the cheesecake, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! You deserve it.

Love ya
Mom C