Saturday, August 16, 2008

He's gonna kick my ask!

This video makes us laugh every time! Apparently, there's a monster in the movie who's gonna come out of the tv... And this little girl is prepared, come what may.

Quote Book

We've decided to spice up the blog with a few quotes from our crazy, silly, serious, hectic, and blessed daily life. Here are a few to start:

While watching the Chinese gymnasts prepare to follow the US team's stellar uneven bar performance:
Jamie: "Wow, they are small!"
Allison: "Yeah. They're wee little tiny people" (laughter)
Jamie: "Oh, now they're all lining up and getting ready to go!"
Allison, dead serious: "I bet their wee little tiny people hearts are racing..."

In the car today, after almost hitting a girl who was too busy texting to look both ways in the Kohl's parking lot:
Jamie: "Girl, that's how you get rolled up on a hood..."

While looking at the very first house on our Realtor's tour:
Realtor: "Well, golly, there is tile every where."
Jamie: "Ugh. wow. That's a lot of tile"
(Silence in awe of the floor-to-ceiling mismatched tile)
Allison: "Huh. That's interesting."
(More wandering through the kitchen)
Allison: "Is that a Hello Kitty tile?!?!"
Realtor: "Well, yes... (pause) certainly looks that way."
Allison: "Yep, that's a Hello Kitty tile... How much are they asking?!?!"

Exiting the dressing room wearing a pair of newly hemmed jeans:
Allison: "They're too short!"
Jamie: "Wow."
Allison: "Well, thanks honey. I love you too."

In DC, enjoying the air conditioning on the metro:
Jamie: "We should just ride the metro back and forth all night."
Allison: "What? Like the homeless people?"