Sunday, May 31, 2009


Baby Talk

Thursday night while we were watching TV, Hunter was spending some quality time in his bouncy chair and all of a sudden I heard this noise - sort of like a "aahhh--oohhhh" - I looked at Jamie and asked "Was that you???" He said nope, it wasn't him. I knew it wasn't me, so that only left one other person... I immediately looked down at Hunter and there he was smiling and wiggling. And then it hit me - HE JUST SAID HIS FIRST COO! He sat there looking up at us, so proud of himself! So, needless to say, Jamie and I spent the next hour sitting on the floor in front of his chair talking to him as he wiggled and let out the occasional "aaaahh oooh" or "ooohhh aahhhh" or sometimes even a "waaaa ooooh". I almost cried as I sat there watching our baby boy wiggle and open his mouth hoping a noise would come out, thinking to myself, "he's growing up already - my tiny baby is growing up already."

Although he's still trying to figure out exactly how to make the noises, you can tell they are very intentional - not the grunts, cries and squeaks we're used to hearing. My mission this week is to capture it on video, so you all can see how cute it is! Wish me luck!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Daily Dose

He just loves bath time!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hunter the Houdini

It seems our little guy is a Houdini of sorts. No matter how well we swaddle, he always manages to get his little hands out so he can suck on his fingers, his arm, his hand, anything really. At just one day old he had little bruises on his arms from sucking on them. We've tried everything, including introducing a pacifier - but he still loves to have his hands near his face.

This is how I put him to sleep today:

And this is him after only a matter of minutes:

The best part is he wiggles free without even waking up!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Welcome Home, Hunter!

Between nursing, sleeping and trying to eat somewhere in between, I haven't had much time for the blogosphere. But I know many of you are dying to see pics of our newest addition, Mr. Hunter Jackson Cannon, so here they are! Many, many more to come.

Hunter Jackson Cannon

Born April 28th, 2009 at 4:51 am

8 lbs 2 ounces

20.75 inches long

Our perfect baby.

Proud Daddy.

Home sweet home.

First bath at home!