Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day 2010

Hunter, meet snow.
Snow, meet Hunter.

Happy New Year!


Testing 123.

Anyone out there?

For those of you faithfully checking our blog for updates, I'm so very sorry. Since my last post about Hunter's check up, we've been very busy, and unfortunately, it hasn't all been the good kind of busy. We've been faced with challenge upon challenge during the last few weeks of 2009. I'll do my best to recap what we've been through below and I'll be uploading pictures from the holidays and more recent adventures soon.

In November, we watched our bouncing baby boy become lethargic as he fought a terrible case of H1N1, at just 6 months old. With fevers topping 102-103 for over 3 days, we were forced to feed him pedialyte from a dropper when he wouldn't eat. As we prayed and watched and waited for the tamiflu to start working, we felt helpless and afraid of what could happen.

Then, shortly after, we prayerfully watched our beautiful Aunt Suzie fight a strong fight, and then, sadly, lose the battle to cancer. Her Christmas funeral was one of the most bittersweet moments of my life. We knew she was not suffering anymore and was rejoicing with the angels over Christ's birth, but it left a gaping hole in our family.

But, looking beyond the last 6 weeks of the year, there are many, many smiles in 2009. It was a big year for us, with lots of huge changes. I'm reminded of the day - way back in 2008 - when we decided to start our family, the months of negative pregnancy tests, that one glorious morning when we found out we were pregnant, and the flood of emotions that came with it. We were so happy, so excited, and so scared out of our wits at the thought of the being parents. That day changed everything about 2009. Everything.

I remember deciding that our apartment just wouldn't do and the many late nights looking at house after house trying to find the one that would fit our new little family, all while feeling the exhaustion and nausea of the first trimester. Then, finally, we closed on the house just before the start of 2009. The day we got the keys, we ran through each room and up the stairs to the soon-to-be nursery to imagine all the possibilities. I remember the signs that God sent us, showing that he was watching over us and confirming our decisions, and the days and nights we worked to ready the house for the biggest change of our lives. Step by step, we prepared for the arrival of our little CanCan.

Then came that sweet morning, when I woke up at 4:30 feeling a little different than usual. I remember so clearly the look of utter shock on Jamie's face, when I woke him up to ask him to write down my last contraction. And, after 23 hours of labor, I remember the most joyous day of my life. April 28. The day I held my son and kissed his sweet face for the first time. The day I became a mother and watched the love of my life become a father.

The next three months would include lots of guests, all excited to see our little guy, and lots of firsts. I remember being so proud of every little thing he did, including the very first time he squealed, feeling so undeserving of such a perfect creation, but knowing definitely that I was created to be Hunter's mommy. Sometimes, I try to forget the many - MANY - nights of hourly feedings, diaper changes and soothing. But, they are part of our journey to 2010, too.

The following months held the frustration of attempting to balance work and motherhood, while constantly feeling like a failure at both. We started daycare and commenced the weekly doctor's visits with Hunter. In 2009, he had 3 ear infections, Swine Flu, multiple colds and viruses, and as my last post references, a bout of seizure-like behavior that sent us reeling into a long night at the emergency room, CT scans, Xrays, blood draws, and eventually an EEG with a pediatric neurologist. We were terrified of what they would find, but relieved to receive a benign diagnosis that won't have any long-term effects.

So, we welcome 2010. Please come in and stay a while. Bring with you new memories to erase the heartache of the past several weeks. Build on the mountain of joy that is our son, the mountain of joy that was our solace last year. Grow our family closer and more content with our haves and help us be less focused on our have-nots. Let us decide to cherish one another and pursue that which is good and just. Let 2010 be better than 2009.