Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Cocktail Cure

Of course I would get sick on vacation. Yep, I've been fighting off a cold/fever/sore throat since Monday, which has made touring super gigantic museums a little like finding your way through a dense fog at night with a bunch of loud, yelling children. But, alas! I have found my cure! And for the past hour I've felt better than I have all week. Thank God for CVS and the "cocktail" mixture of over-the-counter drugs that are doing the trick, which include 12-hour Sudafed, Zicam rapid-release tablets, Tylenol and Hall's lemon-honey cough drops, chased with all the OJ and H2O I can get my hands on. At this rate, I should be back into true patriotic-tourist-mode in no time!

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