Sunday, March 8, 2009

All Points Bulletin

I know, I know... I've been a little slack on the postings lately. In my defense, we've been a little busy. After all, we have just 57 days until our little guy gets here! Just so no one feels left out, here's an update on all things Allison-and-Jamie:

Doctor's appointment:

All went well at our last doctor's appointment. My blood pressure, weight and belly measurements, and his heartbeat were right on target. It looks like our 3rd trimester is going to be just as uneventful as the first and second, and that's exactly how we'd like it.

As some of you know, we've been circulating through the practice for the past few appointments, since our doctor decided to go and have a baby of her own. Go figure. As much fun as it sounds - it's not. We've seen the pregnant one, the super formal one, the nice one, and the awkward resident one, and even the kookie one (who I think may be on drugs). Just kidding... sort of. Thankfully, our last appointment was with the nice one, again. With seven, yes I said seven, kids of his own, he exudes confidence and he's easy to talk to. You can tell he's been through this a time or seven before. He answers your questions, all of them, in ways that make sense and don't make you feel silly or embarrassed. And, unlike the others, he asks for your questions first thing in the appointment - so you don't have time to forget them! Because after you've hoisted yourself onto the exam table, rolled up your shirt, rolled down your oh-so-attractive full-panel pants, been measured, been slathered with ultrasound goop, and heard your baby's precious heartbeat... it's a little hard to remember all 17 questions you were planning to ask.

When you've been seen by Dr. Seven Kids, you leave feeling proud of your additional 30 pounds and you're totally ok with the fact that you now somewhat resemble an umpa loompa. You feel like you are prepared to do this thing called delivery - even after you've been given the down-low (pun totally intended) on an episiotomy, discussed the ways IV pain meds can make you rather loopy, and talked about cord-blood milking versus quickly cutting the cord. (By the way, all of these were fully discussed at our last appointment, so if you have any questions - I'm now an expert.)

So, over the next 8 weeks, I'll be praying that Dr. Seven Kids is on call when our baby boy decides to make his entry. Everyone's help with this ultra-important prayer request is greatly appreciated :)

The big nursery news this week: WE BOUGHT A CRIB!!!! It's funny how much relief I feel now that we have the crib. I guess, in my silly-maternal-nesting ways, the crib makes that room not just any room - it makes it his room. And, somehow, by providing a place for him to sleep, I feel like everything is going to be ok. This must be a maternal thing, too. Because, Lord knows, there is so much left to do before he comes!

Not much to update here since last week was the big house weekend. We did buy our very first garden hose. One of the blessings of renting for the past 3 years is that we never had a lawn to maintain, thus the lack of yard equipment. So, now we have our very first hose to go with our very first yard.

We also hung up the hummingbird feeder we got for Christmas. I absolutely can't wait for the humming birds to buzz outside the kitchen window! These might be little things, but they sure do go a long way in making this house feel like our home.

All is well on the work front. Last week, I spent 3 days at our satellite office in Arlington catching up with the rest of the communications team. I'm starting to get some good projects, with some real substance, so that's exciting. For instance, I'm working on our communications efforts surrounding the upcoming Board of Directors meeting in Accra, Ghana. Thankfully, I don't have to travel there - the Ghana team will handle local specifics.

Next weekend, all of our country directors and global leaders arrive in Arlington for the annual week-long leadership meeting. So, Jamie and I will both head back up to Arlington on Friday to help with that. Should be pretty exciting and exhausting.

So, now you know all there is to know :) Night y'all.

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