Sunday, March 1, 2009

Makin' room for baby...

This weekend was spent almost entirely inside the house, working - working - working. That's right, we're getting ready for our little guy. While I've got a whole list of projects that I'd like to get done before May 4, I know that they won't all get done - and surprisingly - I'm ok with it. Two of the biggest projects that HAD to get done were painting the nursery and making some storage room in the attic.

Thankfully, I am blessed with a family of carpenters who can build just about anything, and one of them agreed to come spend the entire weekend helping Jamie and I get ready. My wonderful little brother drove up after class on Friday, brought all his tools (tools I didn't even know we'd need), and stayed all weekend. Knowing you can totally trust the person who's cutting a giant whole in your ceiling is a REAL blessing :)

By noon today, he and Jamie had knocked out both projects like a well-seasoned team. The nursery is now a beautiful shade of blue and all my Christmas decorations are safe and sound in the attic. Not to mention I had two of my very favorite men in the whole world with me all weekend. What more could a 7-month pregnant woman ask for?! I am so lucky!!

As promised, here are pictures of the two projects.

Project #1: Creating more storage
(aka "Project Make Room for Baby Toys")

When we bought the house, we just had a little attic access hole,
meaning you had to hoist yourself up into if you wanted to get in the attic.
We decided a walk-up ladder would be much better!

Cameron working on the finishing touches of
the stairway to storage heaven.

Looks like it's always been there, huh?

Add some plywood to create a floor and voila!
We've got another 70 square feet of storage!

Project #2: Paint the Nursery
(aka "Project Get Rid of the Ugly Green Room")

Goodbye Green, Bring in the Blue!

First coat... it's looking good!!!

Don't worry, it's not that dark.
It's the perfect navy blue, which apparently is
very hard to capture with a digital camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks Great!! Now it's time to decorate!!!

Mom C