Thursday, April 2, 2009


Consider our eyes wide open. Open to the crazy world of childcare. Having completed two of our daycare tours this week, I'm just hoping it gets better than this! The two facilities we toured this week were at opposite ends of the spectrum. The first one being relatively cheap (around 1k/month) but not the nicest facilities... in fact the baby room was a bit alarming and I'm not sure I even remotely trust the director.

The second one was not cheap (think mortgage+car payment+another car payment) but oh was it nice. It was clean and refreshing - the babies looked happy and alert, the older kids were equally happy and content. There were classrooms - not areas - for the different age groups. The baby teacher is a registered nurse. It's only a mile from our house. But, again, it's A LOT of money...

So, we're left wishing for a happy medium. I mean, is a clean, safe, perfect daycare for a reasonable fee too much to ask? Apparently it is. When you live in Cary, at least.

And the search goes on...

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