Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Silly Mommy

Ok, if Hunter wasn't so darn cute in this video, I might be a little embarrassed to post this! I must preface this by saying that it's really amazing what you find yourself doing to coax your baby, and this is no exception. It all began as I was getting ready for the day and I couldn't find any socks. Having just put "sockies" on Hunter, I naturally referred to my socks as "sockies" too. (Side note: It's funny how everything suddenly ends in "-ies" when you have a baby. Sockies, pacies, boogies, feetsies, etc.) So, back to the story... I was digging in the closet looking for my "sockies" and, of course, we have been doing all sorts of silly things to get reactions from Hunter. So, put two and two together, and you get the video below. I hope you guys enjoy this half as much as I did!

Pardon the quality - my phone was the closest thing I could grab to capture the moment! And, if anyone knows how to convert Blackberry videos for free, please do tell :) We had to use a free trial that only let us convert the first 5 minutes, leaving about 40 seconds of cuteness un-converted and thus un-postable. Please feel free to voice your extreme dissent to Blackberry.


Anonymous said...

That is one cute boy! :)

Grandma/Grandpa C

Cheryl said...

Precious!! Thanks for sharing...babies are SO awesome (just ask any grandma!)

Love you!
Cheryl W.