Sunday, June 14, 2009

Special Guests

This past week we had two very special guests. My Grampa and Great Uncle Jon stopped by our house for a few days on their way to see the rest of the family. They drove all the way from northern Michigan - a whopping two-day, 1000 mile trip - to see us.

Me, Grampa Clay and Hunter

Hunter and his Great Grampa Clay

Hunter and his Great Great Uncle Jon

And as if seeing them wasn't enough, they came bearing gifts! As I mentioned earlier, our family is full of very talented carpenters - my grandfather being one of them. For our wedding, he surprised us with a hand crafted hope chest that sits in my living room and gets compliments from everyone we host. This time, the surprise was for Hunter, but I can tell you it surprised Hunter's Mommy, too! Check out the beautiful hand crafted high-chair my Grampa made for Hunter. It is so beautiful and I just can't say it enough - I am lucky to have such a wonderful family.

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