Thursday, October 9, 2008

Doctor's orders...

Today's doctor's appointment went very well. Baby Cancan is growing so big! The ultrasound was just a bed-side ultrasound today, so no printed pictures unfortunately :( but I can tell you there are two arms and two legs! And we saw them move! Cancan kicked and wiggled several times for us on the monitor - as if to say "hey mom and dad!!!! i know you're looking at me!!!" With the kicks I saw, I think we may have a little soccer player, or jazz dancer, on our hands here! Seeing him/her move was amazing. Cancan's still a little top heavy, with his/her head almost as big as his/her body, but you know what that means... big head = big brain. We've got a smart one, too! I can also tell you that Cancan is super cute... looking very much like a real baby now, instead of a gummy bear, like last time.

All of the bloodwork from our last visit (all 5 viles of it) came back normal and, so far, I've gained a whopping 3.4 pounds. With everything I've been eating, I was shocked! But again, we're right on target. And, just so you all can update your calendars... Our new official due date is May 4!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi you two, glad to hear you are feeling good. This is going to be one of the best times of your married lives as your little one grows and turns into a speical little boy or girl. Take it from a Grandma of 5 soon to be 6.

All our love, Jen and Marlin